
Health & Safety Policy - Click here to download PDF

Afri-Mining is committed to the administration of a comprehensive safety program that promotes the health and safety of each of the company's employees working in the head office or on the client's site.

Safety is a partnership wherein the Company and the Employee share the responsibilities and accountabilities. The success of Afri-Minings safety program relies not only on management commitment to provide a safe work environment, but on the individual commitment of each employee to uphold safe working practices. Serious safety attitude is the key contribution which employees must adhere to in order to reduce the risks of injury and promote a safety conscious environment. Afri-Mining management will undertake necessary actions, as far as reasonably practicable to ensure that OH&S and Industry Standards are met or exceeded.

Afri-Mining will always continue to do its best in creating and providing the necessary programs, information and environment that will promote an injury free workplace. Afri-Mining management will consult with employees and interested parties on health and safety issues affecting their well-being, giving them necessary information, instruction and supervision.

Together we can achieve a safe and healthy work environment that protects the well-being of Afri-Mining employees, customers, visitors and other parties involved. Whilst implementing this policy we seek to achieve high standards. We do not pursue this aim simply to comply with current legislation, which we regard as a minimum requirement, but in order to demonstrate continual improvements for the health, safety and welfare of all our staff.

Afri-Mining Occupational Health and Safety policy calls for continuous improvement in its Occupational Health and Safety management activities; and all company's operations will be carried out according to the principles sated below.

We will:

• Comply with all applicable laws and regulations;
• Follow a concept of continuous improvement and make the best use of the resources available in all matters related to the Occupational Health and Safety;
• Communicate company's OH&S objectives and performance against these objectives throughout the Organization and to interested parties;
• Take due care to ensure that activities are safe for all our employees, associates, subcontractors and other people who come into contact with our work processes;
• Work closely with our customers and suppliers to establish the highest safety standards;
• Adopt a forward-looking view on future business decisions which may have impacts on the company's Occupational Health and Safety Management System;
• Provide necessary information and training to our personnel for better awareness and understanding of OH&S matters in their respective positions;
• Comply with Customer Requirements for H&S.

Environment - Click here to download PDF

We continually strive to improve our environmental performance and comply with CSR best practices. Our progress over the years is attributed to a dedicated workforce and the implementation of a rigorous environmental management system based on the ISO 14001 standards.

Key aspects of our environmental program include:

• Compliance with host country laws and regulations
• Sound baseline environmental and social risk assessments and mitigation strategies
• Implementation and regular auditing of environmental management procedures and systems
• Efficient use of natural resources
• Rigorous management of effluent, emissions and biodiversity
• Emergency preparedness and response plans
• Climate change management and strategies

Environment Policy

Afri-Mining is an international Mining Contractor and exploration company. The Company’s overall environmental objectives include: a commitment of the board and management to pollution prevention; compliance with all applicable environmental laws and continual improvement to protect the environment. In particular, the Company will:

• Recognise effective environmental management as a corporate priority and establish policies, programmes and practices to achieve this.
• Assess, design, construct, operate and close facilities, in accordance with sound engineering practice, compliance with Company policies, and all applicable laws providing for the reasonable protection of the environment, our employees contractors and the public.
• In countries where legislation does not meet our standards or is inadequate, the Company will, to the extent reasonable, apply management practices under the Equator Principles and IFC Standards with the objective of advancing environmental protection and managing risks and impacts.
• Develop, design and operate facilities in an environmentally sound manner, striving for protection and were reasonably possible positive benefits to local bio-diversity, protection of water resources and the efficient use of energy and other resource materials.
• Re-use, recycle and dispose of wastes and by-products in a safe and responsible manner.
• Provide adequate resources, personnel and requisite training so that all employees and contractors are aware of and able to fulfil their environmental responsibilities.
• Develop, implement and continually update our environmental management systems to manage, reduce and where possible prevent environmental pollution relating to our activities, products and services.
• Consult and communicate with relevant stakeholders on projects at each stage in their life cycle.
• Conduct audits of our environmental systems and report on our performance. The Company subscribes to the Equator Principles and aims to meet ISO 14001 Standards

Quality Policy - Click here to download PDF

Afri-Mining is a diverse and integrated specialist contractor to the global mining industry. Our activities demand that specific emphasis is placed on safety, quality performance reliability and project profitability. Afri-Mining and its management recognise that commitment to consistent high quality service and continual improvement throughout its business operations is crucial in meeting its objectives and as such, is committed to establishing a Management Systems Framework consistent with ISO 9001. This will be achieved through our systems:

• Design of a process‐based framework, which aligns each of the business entities management systems approaches, enables effective planning at each level of the organisation within the nature and scale of their business, and integrates the organisations business management systems;
• Implementation of the operation and control processes through approved documented policies, standards, procedures, templates and guidelines by all African Mining Services personnel;
• Measurement, analysis and improvement of the framework to generate effective management; and
• Focus on customer satisfaction by monitoring and analysing information to determine if customer requirements have been met. Afri-Mining and its management is committed to industry best practice and soundly managed risk‐based safety and productivity planning in meeting its business and quality objectives of:
• Ensuring that customer requirements are identified and met;
• Consistently satisfying expectations of stakeholders at all levels.
• Seeking to recruit, develop and retain outstanding employees:
• Empowering all employees to be responsible and accountable for the quality of their work.
• Developing and maintaining mutual beneficial partnerships with suppliers: and
• Continually training its employees at all levels to enhance personal development and customer satisfaction. Measurable business objectives for the Management System Framework, products and services will be established and approved by the Chief Operating Officer. The framework and these objectives will be subject to review for continuing suitability at regular intervals. All personnel shall strive to achieve operational excellence through their commitment to providing a quality service the first time, every time, thus raising standards and continually improving the efficiency of the Afri-Mining business activities.



Tel: + 26324 (2) 485708
Tel: + 26324 (2) 870930
Fax + 26324 (2) 485701


16 Neill Ave
Msasa, Harare
